Great Expectations Dating Sterling

  1. Great Expectations Dating Sterling
  2. Great Expectations Dating Houston Tx
  3. Great Expectations Dating Sterling Heights Mi
  4. Great Expectations Dating Service

Summary: Chapter 36

Great Expectations Dating Sterling

Yes, I was a Great Expectations Club member. And, I did not meet my wife there. Anyways, enjoy the VHS tape that they included in the welcome kit.

Ripoff Report on: Great Expectations Dating Service - Great expectations dating service ripoff high pressure saleswoman stood me up southfield michigan. Great Expectations is the thirteenth novel by Charles Dickens and his penultimate completed novel, which depicts the education of an orphan nicknamed Pip (the book is a bildungsroman, a coming-of-age story). It is Dickens's second novel, after David Copperfield, to be fully narrated in the first person. Yes, I was a Great Expectations Club member. And, I did not meet my wife there. Anyways, enjoy the VHS tape that they included in the welcome kit.

Pip’s twenty-first birthday finally arrives, meaning thathe is an adult and will begin to receive a regular income from hisfortune rather than having to go to Jaggers to access his money.He feels a great sense of excitement, because he hopes that hisentrance into adulthood will cause Jaggers to tell him the identityof his mysterious benefactor. Despite Herbert’s warning, he feelsincreasingly certain that it is Miss Havisham and that she meansfor him to marry Estella. But during their interview, Jaggers iscold and brief; he reveals nothing about the source of Pip’s fortune,simply telling him that his income will be five hundred pounds ayear and refusing to take responsibility for the outcome. For somereason, the encounter reminds Pip of his meeting with the convictin the graveyard so many years before. Still, Pip invites Jaggersto participate in his birthday dinner, but Jaggers’s oppressivepresence makes the evening less enjoyable for Pip and Herbert.

Summary: Chapter 37

Upon receiving his income, Pip decides to help Herbertby buying Herbert’s way into the merchant business. He asks Wemmickfor advice. At Jaggers’s office (in Chapter 36),Wemmick cynically advises Pip not to help Herbert, but later, atthe Castle (where Pip also meets Wemmick’s girlfriend, Miss Skiffins),he jovially offers exactly the opposite advice and agrees to helpPip with the scheme. They find a merchant in need of a young partner,and Pip buys Herbert the partnership. Everything is all arrangedanonymously, so that Herbert, like Pip, does not know the identityof his benefactor.

Analysis: Chapters 36–37

Pip’s twenty-first birthday marks his official transitionto adulthood (Jaggers even begins calling him “Mr. Pip”). Jaggers’srefusal to comply with Pip’s wishes to know the truth about hisbenefactor is a bad omen, one borne out in the next section withthe arrival of the convict and the downfall of Pip’s greatest expectations.

Even though Pip is still self-critical, hehas legitimately matured into early adulthood and developed moresympathetic qualities. His decision to use his large income to helpHerbert—being “very desirous,” as he says, “to serve a friend”—allows himto share his good fortune with a friend in need. Ironically, Pipadopts secrecy even as he is most anxious to know the identity ofhis own secret benefactor. Of course, he still believes his benefactorto be Miss Havisham, and he even accounts for Jaggers’s refusalto talk with the ridiculous deduction that “Miss Havisham had nottaken him into her confidence as to her designing me for Estella;that he resented this, and felt a jealousy about it.” That Pip imaginesthe hard, powerful Jaggers feeling jealousy over anything involvingPip illustrates the extent to which Pip must delude himself to believethat Miss Havisham truly intends for him to marry Estella. It isobvious to the reader and to all the other characters in the bookthat Miss Havisham has no such idea in mind, but Pip remains blindedby love and continues to equate his social advancement with romanticadvancement.

This section also continues to develop the characterof Wemmick. The bizarre clerk’s two distinct sides become even moresharply divided in this section, as office-Wemmick advises Pip notto help Herbert, while Walworth-Wemmick wholeheartedly endorsesthe plan. Wemmick even acknowledges the split, saying in Chapter 36 that“my Walworth sentiments must be taken at Walworth; none but my official sentimentscan be taken at this office.” Pip’s introduction to Miss Skiffins,Wemmick’s girlfriend (and future bride), in Chapter 37 allows Dickensto make an even more sentimental character out of Wemmick, but italso highlights Pip’s own romantic troubles. His love forEstella remains desperately impractical, and, as the next sectiondemonstrates, his relationship with her has become humiliating inan entirely new way.


awareness, consumer opinion, fraud, match making, online dating, opinion, professional dating service, reflections, scam

Today I share with you my experience with Great Expectations dating website.

So, it all began when I ran into a sister website that asked me for my name, Phone, Annual Income. Little did I know that this sister website belonged to the website.

Two days after I registered, I received a phone call from a private number. A girl was talking to me and said she was talking on behalf of GreatExpectations (to be called GE from now on). She asked me all sort of questions on the phone for the purpose of “screening me”. The phone conversation was fun. She set an interview date and wanted to email me my appointment and directions to their office for my first face-to-face interview in one of their local offices.

She sent me an email from her Yahoo account (weird, why did she not send from her professional GE account??).

After a few days I went to conduct the live screening process, here is how it went.

The office was situated in a very fancy building. I went inside only to be greeted by the secretary. She asked me for my driving license and credit card so she verifies that I am who I claim I am.

I felt weird about it, but this gave me a sense of professionalism. While waiting to begin my screening process, I could not help but notice all the pictures of middle aged married couples hanging on the wall along with lots of love quotes here and there. I said to myself: “Wow, this looks nice and promising”. I was already having “Great Expectations”

A few minutes afterwards, they offered me something to drink and was lead into a room then she handed two forms to fill:

  • First and last name
  • Address
  • Employer
  • Have you been married before / divorced / etc…
  • SSN <- what ?? sorry I won’t fill that
  • Annual Income
  • Current Employer
  • Car model and year
  • Car monthly payment (if purchased on loan)
  • Work phone
  • Do you agree that we conduct background checks on you?
  • What credit cards you have?
  • What are the balances on each card?
  • etc…

The second form asks pretty much the same things again but what is most striking is that they ask about the SSN one more time (as if the first time was not enough).

While filling the forms, a lady came and took the first form. Shortly after I filled the second form, another lady came to pick it up and then left me again in the room alone. I felt like I am in a police interview room

After 10 minutes the interviewer (another lady again) came and started asking me questions so to “profile me”. She kept on saying that I seem a nice person and girls would love to date me. She also told me that I seem a good fit for their membership selection process. Even so, after a while one question came and she said:

“So, how do you describe your personality?”

Hmm, I thought, then directly she proposed to answer herself on my behalf:

“You are a smart person, caring and considerate. You seem serious and looking for a long term relationship. Is that correct?”

I had to nod. Unquestionably she was right

She spoke about what sets GE apart from other dating websites:

  • We screen members: criminals, rapists, stalkers, pedophiles, etc… are filtered out
  • Our members can afford our services thus are professionals. You don’t want girls that go to bars, do you? They often want to hang out with you so later they ask that you lend them money. We select only financially able members.
  • Our girl members are afraid to meet just any men. You know that there are lots of rapists around, stalkers and what not. The women these days prefer us because we filter and screen the men
  • We have been in the business for 36 years. We are good at what we do
  • We can “lobby” for you and recommend girls. I already know which girls to recommend for you
  • These days, meeting the opposite sex is so hard. It is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It may take you 20 years and you may not even find the right one.
  • Old fashioned dating where people meet in bars or on the street do not work in this era anymore. We are here to solve this problem.
  • You don’t want other free dating websites, do you? It is filled by dummy profiles or fake profiles, etc…

Later she started to explain about the rest of the process in case I decide to accept their service:

  • You come one more time to our office and we will take photos. You know, we have professional photographers that will take photos of you. We want to make sure that our members share decent and real photos and not old or fake photos of themselves
  • You can optionally ask us to make a video of you. We give you a form with questions you can answer in front of the camera so that your matches can see them. They will see how articulate you are and perhaps fall in love with your character
  • Once you complete your profile and become a member, we will give you access to our online website so that you can browse and communicate with other members.
  • If you like a profile, you can send a request to meet that person and for a meeting to take place, the other member has to choose “YES” or “NO” in order to communicate with you. Only if both of you say “YES” then we hook you up together.
  • If one person says “NO” then we won’t hook you up together and WE will take care of “nicely” declining the request of the other. “You don’t have to deal with the rejection personally”
Great expectations dating sterling co

The interviewer was really friendly and smiling to me all the time.

When she finished describing everything she proceeded to show me the pricing and plans so I decide what plan I want.

Actually, I could not wait any longer for her to disclose the prices. She got me really excited . To me, this whole service started to sound too good to be true. It felt that they are going to solve the dating problems and help unite couples. I was so happy about it.

She pulls a booklet with sample profiles and at the end of that booklet there is a pricing sheet.

Low and behold, I look at the prices and feel astonished! From what I remember, there are three plans (sorry for not being to remember the exact prices, seeing the prices blew my mind away and raised my internal alarms). The cheapest plan is at least 6000USD per year.

She paused a second to let me read the numbers and select a plan, then she asked me:

“Which plan would you like?”

I, in turn, following a strong gut feeling, paused a bit in order to formulate my answers properly and said: “Honestly, I select NO plan”

She looked completely puzzled and changed her friendly attitude to a completely and visibly irritated attitude. It takes no psychologist to see the difference in her mood

She said: “You are the first person that rejects such a offer. I am really surprised”

I was happy when she reacted like that. I started to smell something fishy.

She said: “What were you expecting? What kind of prices?”

After I expressed no interest and not wanting to proceed any further, she offered me a deal:

“I will make you a student discount”, “It will be 50% off whatever plan you decide. What do you want to down-pay today?”

(A student discount? Amazing, I said to myself )

Then she added: “You don’t have to pay everything at once, we can devise a monthly payment. You can even pay $50 a month if you wish”

Even still, I expressed no interest. I perceived what seemed to be an attack from her side and an attempt to downplay me:

“Yes, our service is not for all the members. You don’t seem fit for us.”.

Of course, this sounded completely opposite to what she was saying to me in the beginning of the interview.

Great expectations dating sterling co

Great Expectations Dating Sterling

If she really meant what she said in the first place, even if I decided no to pay this enormous amount, this should not change my “being fit” or not fit for their dating service.

Finally, as I was about to leave she added: “I am only here for a few days as I am the regional manager of another city here for a short visit. In case you decide to enroll and benefit from this discount”. She handed me her business card and phone number.


I left their office with a sense of joy and at the same time a great sense of being puzzled:

Great Expectations Dating Houston Tx

Is their service real? Why do they charge this huge amount of money? Do they guarantee anything? What makes them different from other dating websites (apart from the screening process) and huge membership fee?

Great Expectations Dating Sterling Heights Mi

I drove back home and it took me a short while to figure out that with this amount of money, I can donate to the poor and feed the hungry on the streets. At least, without doubt, doing this will give me a greater joy than becoming a member of a club that charges members 6k+ a year in order to date others.

When I reached home, I started researching a bit about GE to see what other people think. I let you be the judge:

Great Expectations Dating Service

Disclaimer: This posting is to share my own experience and opinions only.